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Other GI Motility and Neurogastroenterology Research Studies being conducted at IU School of Medicine.

Other GI Motility and Neurogastroenterology Research Studies


5144-Wo, John

John M. Wo, MD

Douglas Rex Professor of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

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Open Research Studies for Other Motility Research

Indiana University GI Neuromuscular Pathology Prospective Registry

Enrolling: Yes

Principle Investigator: John M. Wo, MD

Duration: 2 years

Primary Outcomes Measured: 

  1. Follow up clinical data will be obtained before, 6 months, 1.5 years, and 2 years after the full thickness biopsy
  2. Follow up data PAGI_SYM Overall Treatment Effect by Patient Overall Treatment Effect by Physician

Secondary Outcomes Measured:

  1. Responders will be defined as >50% improvement of the GCSI total score at 6 month after surgical GES.
  2. Patients with gastroparesis from type 1 DM versus patients with idiopathic gastroparesis.
  3. Patients with gastroparesis from type 1 DM versus gastroparesis from type 2 DM.
  4. Neuromuscular pathology results of the gastric body and proximal jejunum will be correlated with the following: Symptom severity (GCSI total score), predominant symptom presentation, severity of delayed gastric emptying.

Interested in this study? Please contact the coordinator below:
Kara Murphy

Anita Gupta

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GI Motility Diagnosis Registry

Enrolling: Yes

Principle Investigator: John M. Wo, MD

Duration: TBD

Primary Outcomes Measured:  Identification of patients by accurate motility diagnosis.

Secondary Outcomes Measured:

  1. To develop Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) measurements in patients with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
  2. To develop Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) measurements in patients with gastroparesis

Interested in this study? Please contact the coordinator below:
Kara Murphy
(317) 278-0612

Clinical Outcomes Assessment (COA) for Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction (CIPO)

Enrolling: Yes

Principle Investigator: Akira Saito, MD

Duration: Recruiting 50 patients based in the US.

Primary Outcomes Measured:

  1. Develop a de novo CIPO-specific PRO that is able to capture change in core CIPO visible signs and symptoms across all etiologies and severity levels.
  2. Develop a de novo CIPO-specific PRO that is fit-for-purpose for use as a primary endpoint in a clinical trial setting.

Interested in this study? Please contact the coordinator below:
Kara Murphy
(317) 278-0612