a group of students wearing white coats review data on a computer in the lab

IU School of Medicine offers Masters and PhD programs in a wide variety of research areas offering hands-on experience led by exceptional faculty.

Faculty educators at IU School of Medicine are recognized experts, leading innovations in critical areas of medical research including cancer, neuroscience, diabetes and cardiovascular-metabolic disorders, musculoskeletal health, intracellular pathogens, and infectious disease and host responses. Training with these world-class investigators prepares graduate students to be productive and progressive biomedical scientists.

IU School of Medicine offers a collaborative learning and working environment, where scientists are advancing medical research. Explore faculty labs to learn more.

Apply Now

Begin the application process today for any of the graduate degree programs offered at IU School of Medicine.

PhD Programs

IU School of Medicine offers PhD training programs in Indianapolis and Bloomington. PhD minors are also available to students seeking training in a subspecialty area.

Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)

This MD/PhD combined degree program is for students committed to a career that intimately incorporates research with clinical care.

Education PhD Track

The Educational Research-based PhD Track prepares students for careers as anatomy teachers and educational researchers.

Masters Degrees

Master of Science degrees are offered through many IU School of Medicine academic departments.


IU School of Medicine offers four graduate-level certificates to provide supplemental training in research.

Postdoctoral Training

Postdoctoral training at IU School of Medicine broadens the knowledge of PhDs while advancing their careers.

Integrated PhD Study

Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of modern biomedical research, the Indiana BioMedical Gateway (IBMG) program for PhD study at IU School of Medicine in Indianapolis offers a first-year experience for all biomedical science PhD students studying on the Indianapolis campus.

About IBMG

Professional Development

The IU School of Medicine provides professional and career development support for graduate students and postdocs including programs to advance practical career skills and interpersonal development, tools to strengthen self-direction and apply transferrable skills, and career exploration opportunities.

Strength in Diversity

IU School of Medicine recognizes that the academic and scientific community benefits from diversity. Through programs such as Getting You into IU and the Second Look Program, we recruit students who bring diversity in background, outlook and interest — attributes that lead to a strong and productive learning environment. IU School of Medicine welcomes graduate students from diverse backgrounds influenced by such factors as race, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, religion, socio-economic status, age, geography of origin and residence, sexual orientation, disability, work style, intellectual diversity and other aspects of human attributes and behaviors.

Center for Inclusive Excellence