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Expertise in Indiana Health

Indiana Health

Realizing the vision of IU School of Medicine to “lead the transformation of health care through quality, innovation and education and make Indiana one of the nation’s healthiest states” requires big thinking, strong collaborations, and hard work, as the current state of Indiana’s health is disheartening.

Indiana is 35th in the nation in overall health, according to the 2022 America’s Health Rankings report and ranks 42nd when it comes to mental health, according to the State of Mental Health in America 2023. Approximately one baby dies in Indiana every 16 hours—amounting to over 530 infant deaths a year—making the state’s infant mortality rate one of the worst in the country. Indiana also consistently has one of the 10 worst death rates from cancer in the United States.

35th Indiana's ranking for overall health
63% increase (from 2021) in non-medical drug use
45th Indiana's ranking in public health funding
43rd Indiana's ranking in mental health providers
Strategic PlanStrategic PlanData source: America’s Health Rankings (2022)  

These data are a powerful reminder of why we must act with urgency to improve the health of those who call Indiana home. That is why one of the priorities of the school’s strategic plan is to “Improve health and wellness of the people of Indiana and beyond.” Specifically, goals are set to improve Indiana’s Mental Health in America overall ranking, reduce infant and maternal mortality, improve cancer prevention and detection rates, and decrease cancer mortality rates.

Opioids Abuse Crisis

The opioid epidemic is devastating communities throughout the United States, especially in Indiana, where hundreds of opioid-related deaths are reported each year. IU School of Medicine is committed to improving treatment for opioid-use disorders.

Mental Health Care

IU School of Medicine is working closely with its clinical partners statewide to address the recognized need for additional psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health providers throughout Indiana and thereby improve access and outcomes of mental health assessment, support and treatment.

Access to Care

Through a strong partnership with the state’s largest health care system, Indiana University Health, the access to care influenced by IU School of Medicine faculty and learners touches the lives of patients throughout Indiana.

Infant Mortality

In the United States, Indiana ranks among the highest for the number of babies who die before their first birthday. IU School of Medicine is committed to addressing Infant Mortality issues in Indiana and improving the survival rate for the state’s youngest citizens.

Cancer Mortality

Cancer takes the lives of too many Hoosiers. IU School of Medicine faculty are focused on reducing cancer mortality in Indiana.

Personalized Medicine

IU School of Medicine faculty investigators are working diligently to improve population health in Indiana. With generous funding from the IU Grand Challenges program, the Precision Health researchers are focused on diseases with particularly negative impacts in the state, including some of the most challenging cancers: multiple myeloma, triple negative breast cancer and childhood sarcoma. The team is also working on Alzheimer’s disease and Type 2 diabetes—chronic diseases that were among the top seven leading causes of death in Indiana in 2016.

Interview an Expert

Schedule an interview with an IU School of Medicine faculty member or request materials and resources about Indiana health research by contacting the IU School of Medicine media relations team.