The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs enhances the postdoctoral experience at Indiana University School of Medicine by providing support and resources to address the unique needs of each postdoctoral researcher. Prospective and existing postdocs can schedule one-on-one appointments to discuss career goals and/or their postdoctoral experience. The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs also offers CV, resume and cover letter review/s as well as mock interviews among others. The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs shares information and events pertinent to postdocs; IU School of Medicine postdoctoral researchers are invited to share information as well. To schedule an appointment or be added to the distribution list, email Dr. Angela Fowler, Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.

Postdoctoral Association
The IU School of Medicine Postdoctoral Association (PDA) was formed in January 2015 to address the needs and concerns of IU School of Medicine Postdoctoral Researchers. All postdoctoral researchers are invited to attend Association meetings typically held on the third Thursday of each month at 2 pm via zoom and postdoc socials. Email the IU School of Medicine Postdoctoral Association for details.
Career and Professional Development
IU School of Medicine offers 80-100 events per year related to career and professional development for postdoctoral researchers and graduate students. Events include career chats, lunchtime skills series, and special events. See upcoming events and register.
National Postdoctoral Association
IU School of Medicine is a sustaining member of the National Postdoctoral Association, a member-driven, nonprofit organization that provides a unique, national voice for postdoctoral scholars. All IU School of Medicine postdoctoral researchers are eligible to register for FREE as affiliate members. When registering, select affiliate individual member, postdoc - you will not have a fee with this option. You will receive NPA e-alerts and the POSTDOCket, the quarterly newsletter. Additionally, affiliate members have access to a plethora of members-only online resources and discounts to attend the annual meeting and other programs.
Individual Development Plans
IU School of Medicine postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to fill out an individual development plan. This plan helps postdoctoral researchers explore career possibilities and set goals to follow a suitable career path.
Access to academic courses is one of the benefits of working in higher education. IU School of Medicine employees receive the IU Tuition Benefit through Human Resources. Non-employees or those funded under a training grant often find the grant includes funding for tuition and professional development programs. Postdoctoral researchers interested in this benefit should speak to the department and/or grant administrator for more information.