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Clinical Care

Faculty physicians in the Department of Medicine’s Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at IU School of Medicine provide expertise in endoscopic procedures and clinical care of patients with gastrointestinal and liver illnesses. Clinicians in this division consistently perform more endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) procedures than any other GI program in the United States. The faculty physicians are pioneers in the field and have developed many of the techniques utilized for these procedures.

Looking for Patient Care?

To schedule an appointment with an IU School of Medicine faculty gastroenterologist, contact Indiana University Health at 888-484-3258 or online using the Find a Provider portal.
12 Practice Locations
50,630 Total Patients Seen (2023)
37,122 Total Procedures (2023)

Patient Care Facilities

Map of the state of Indiana showing where practice outreach locations are at for the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the IU School of Medicine in 2022. Gastroenterology and Hepatology faculty physicians are the exclusive GI and Hepatology care providers at IU Health University Hospital, Eskenazi Health and the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center in Indianapolis. The division also has ambulatory and procedural practices at Spring Mill, IU Health North hospital and IU Health Saxony Hospital. In continuing the tradition started nearly 30 years ago, the division has a robust outreach clinical program where faculty clinicians have established practices in the towns surrounding Indianapolis.

Advanced Technology

IU School of Medicine faculty provide care at the only center in Indiana to offer a wide variety of cutting-edge pioneer technologies such as the use of mini scopes to investigate diseases of the pancreas and biliary tree, lithotripsy of pancreatic stones, Natural Orifice Transgastric Endoluminal surgery (NOTES), POEMG-POEM, ESD, and innovative anti-reflux procedures.

Clinical Services

Colorectal cancer screening program, spearheaded by Doug Rex, MD, is one of the most experienced and innovative programs available.