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Wellness Coalition

The Wellness Coalition works to create curricular and co-curricular wellness opportunities for IU School of Medicine students. The coalition is comprised of liaisons from all nine campuses and representatives from various student interest groups and organizations. There are vice presidents representing each dimension of wellness on the coalition, as well as a vice president of social media and communication, a vice president of curricular affairs, a secretary, a treasurer and a vice president of wellness (who works as the liaison to the Medical Student Council and administration).

The coalition sponsors events throughout the year to connect students with activities that help them to be well-rounded in their wellness. Each event has at least one of the eight dimensions of wellness as its focus, helping students learn about and practice in IU School of Medicine’s eight dimensions of wellness model. Additionally, they work with faculty, staff and administration to create programming for orientation, transitions courses and professional development days.

The members of the Wellness Coalition gather in a modern shop with shelves behind them


Check out upcoming events on IU School of Medicine’s events calendar.

Have a wellness event idea? Request Wellness Coalition support from Kristen Heath or funding for your event.

Contact the Wellness Coalition

Follow the Wellness Coalition on Instagram.

Check out the blog or video library.

Have suggestions or questions for the Wellness Coalition? Interested in joining the Wellness Coalition with your student group? Contact Kristen Heath for more information.