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Diagnostic Radiology Specialty at a Glance

Students interested in a career in radiology should take an elective month in radiology in Indianapolis during their third year and spend two weeks in two different areas of radiology. This will allow students to meet lots of people and see a good cross section of radiology. Fourth year students can do one of their electives any time before September to experience radiology.

*Match statistics for each specialty are provided the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) Charting Outcomes in the Match, most recently published in August 2024.
**Program signals represent the 2025 application season.

Match Statistics

Mean USMLE Step 2 CK: 256
Average number of research experiences: 4.4
Average number of abstracts, presentations and publications: 12.0
Program signals for 2025 Match: 6 (gold), 6 (silver)