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Summer Remediation Program

If a student fails a single course in the first or second year of medical school, they can demonstrate proficiency in the subject by passing a written examination or other assessment chosen by the course management team. If passed, the course failure is converted to a pass and the student is allowed to progress into the next academic year. The grade policy for Phase 1 courses provides more information about grading and isolated deficiencies.

Students who fail a course will be contacted by the Phase 1 assistant director and advised of the remediation exam date and program procedures.

With the exceptions of Foundations of Clinical Practice (FCP) 1 and 2 and Health Systems Science (HSS) 1 and 2, all Phase 1 courses can be remediated with a written exam. Students who fail FCP 1 or 2 due to failing the summative spring OSCE will complete a bridge program designed to help the student achieve proficiency in clinical skills. The student will have an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency by taking another OSCE. Students who fail FCP 1 or 2 for reasons other than failing the OSCE will be required to complete an appropriate assessment. Successful remediation will result in an F/P (remediated failure) on the transcript.

During the remediation program, students have four weeks of dedicated time to study for the remediation exam. Students will be invited to a canvas page to complete optional remediation program elements which include tools to assist in the development of a self-study plan. Students are encouraged to seek assistance from the statewide course director or site leader for help addressing content-specific questions. If a student desires assistance from the course director/site leader, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the appropriate course director/site leader and request help.

Students who fail remediation will receive an F on the transcript and will be referred to the Student Promotions Committee for review. The committee may require that the student repeat the academic year in its entirety, including those courses already passed. Depending on the circumstances, the committee may recommend dismissal from medical school.


Questions about the summer remediation program should be directed to: 

Jessica Byram, PhD
Assistant Director, Phase 1