White Coat Ceremony
The White Coat Ceremony marks a transformation for students entering their clinical phase of medical school.
Orientation to Clerkships
This is an in-person orientation to the clerkships which will review key information prior to the start of the Phase 2 experience.
Transitions 2
Transitions 2 (T2) is a mandatory course at beginning of Phase 2. The course builds upon Phase 1 experiences by helping students develop the skills required to serve as a high-functioning member of a health care team during Phase 2 and beyond.
Health Systems Science 3: Sessions to Enhance Physician Success (HSS3-STEPS)
Health Systems Science 3: Sessions to Enhance Physician Success (HSS3-STEPS) is a mandatory curriculum component. (See rotation schedule to see where HSS3-STEPS occurs.)
HSS3-STEPS is a nine-day course that will run throughout your Phase 2 year. It will allow you to reflect on your clinical experiences and learn more about key topics such as death and dying, health systems science and substance use disorders. HSS3-STEPS is required for all Phase 2 students and will be virtual.
Required Clerkships
OB-GYN/Anesthesia (eight weeks)
Family Medicine (four weeks)
Internal Medicine (eight weeks)
Neurology (four weeks)
Pediatrics (eight weeks)
Psychiatry (four weeks)
Surgery (eight weeks)
Open Block or Electives
Phase 2 students will have a four-week open block, which may be used for Step 1 study time, vacation or an IU School of Medicine elective that is approved for third-year students, including up to two career exploration electives.