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Providing Action on Student Feedback

Oh no. Another survey request. Is this survey worth taking? What do they even do with all this information?

We get it. With your hectic schedule, completing a survey probably isn't what you'd prefer to do with your limited free time.

But rest assured: we read every single one. Your survey responses are tremendously important. We pour over the results, analyzing in meeting after meeting what areas we’re doing well in — and where we need to improve. Your survey responses inform our efforts to make IU School of Medicine the best experience in the country.

In that spirit, we’ve created the Surveys to Solutions campaign. Anytime you see the logo, you’ll know this was action taken to address feedback you and your fellow students identified for improvement. It is action — concrete, real, tangible — in response to the most important voice of all: yours.

An arrow with text that reads "From Surveys to Solutions"

Hospital Resource Guides

IU School of Medicine has renovated student spaces based on student feedback.

See all of the updated rooms