IU School of Medicine students have indicated on various surveys that they need dedicated spaces to store their belongings, to study, rest, eat and more. Based on that student feedback, we did an large scale overhaul of these spaces, and developed these Hospital Resource Guides to allow you to see what spaces are available at the hospitals for your clerkship, along with other helpful information. Below are a few highlights of the ways pre-clinical spaces have been improved on your campus, as well as school-reviewed and confirmed available relaxation spaces, study spaces, and secure storage spaces in each of the major inpatient hospital facilities partnering in medical student education.
You can access the designed resource guides at the link below, or view the same information on this page.
Additionally, if you have encountered any issues related to cleanliness, safety, or maintenance at a clinical site regarding secure storage, study, or lounge space, please submit using the reporting form below. Make sure to describe the issue and its location (e.g., unclean lockers or breakroom space).