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Ask Medical Student Education

Have a question about what to bring to Match Day? Or maybe the FAQs for scheduling Phase 3 electives didn’t answer all of your questions. Whatever it might be, Ask Medical Student Education is an online portal that will connect you with an answer… quickly. Check out our Q&A community to get quick answers to all of your questions.

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How to use Ask MSE

  1. Sign-in (optional).

  2. Search for existing answers/resources.

  3. Don’t see an answer? Ask! (must be logged in to ask).

  4. Select whether you would like your question visible publicly or just to a Medical Student Education administrator (the moderators who find answers!)

  5. Include a detailed summary to help others find this question/answer in the future.

  6. Include your full question text.

  7. Click “Post” and someone will be in touch with you shortly!

layout of the ask mse page

layout of ask mse page

Frequently Asked Questions

You can expect to receive a response within two business days. If we anticipate needing more time than that to get you an answer, then we will reply to your question and let you know more specifically when you can expect more information back.

If you have an emergency concern, please contact 911.

Emily Walvoord, MD, associate dean for student affairs, works with experts across the school to find and share answers.

No. A separate account is not necessary to view questions and answers. If you want to ask a question, you must be logged in though. You can simply use your CAS credentials to login, or if you don’t have an IU account, then you can sign in using an existing Google account.

No problem, you can easily post a question to just a “moderator.” That question will be sent to the MSE administrators that monitor the site, but your question will not be visible to other students.

Also, even when your post is public, it will only display your initials instead of your full name.

There are a few designated student leaders that may respond or weigh in on a particular topic. In general though, responses will come from the MSE leaders to ensure that you are getting the most up-to-date and correct information.

Default notification settings are set so that you will receive an email notification to the inbox associated with the account you used to login. That notification will let you know that someone has replied. Then you can easily click to get back to that message and see the response. Of course, you can also check back to the site periodically to see if your question has been answered.