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Service-Connected Scholarships

A variety of service-connected scholarships offer funding to students pursuing a medical degree.

Indiana Primary Care Scholarship Program

The Indiana Primary Care Scholarship supports Indiana residents who commit to practice primary care in an under-served area in Indiana. The scholarship pays the recipient’s in-state IU School of Medicine tuition and fees for four years of medical school.

National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program

The National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program awards scholarships to students pursuing eligible primary care health professions training. In return, scholars commit to provide primary care health services in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) for a minimum of two years.

Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program

 The Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program provides recipients with full tuition and fees; reimburses the cost of books, student health insurance and supplies; and pays a monthly stipend. Recipients are commissioned as second lieutenants or ensigns in the inactive service of the Army, Navy or Air Force.

Obligatory service includes a 45 day annual period of active duty, to be performed at a military hospital or medical center, and arranged so as not to interrupt the student’s academic work. If required, arrangements can be made to serve this annual active duty while on campus. Following completion of training, recipients are required to serve one year of active duty for each year of aid received, but not less than three years.

Veterans Affairs Health Professionals Scholarship Program

The Veterans Affairs Health Professionals Scholarship Program provides recipients with full tuition, mandatory fees and a monthly stipend. Upon completing their educational program and licensure, participants work as permanent, full-time VA employees. Physicians have a service obligation of 18 months for each year of scholarship support.

Funding through the Veterans GI Bill

Students who are veterans should contact the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office to see if they are eligible to receive monthly educational benefits. Students who are eligible must file VA Form 1990, “Applications for Program of Education,” 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester.