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Phase three of training in the MD program emphasizes professional development, career exploration and clinical learning to prepare for residency.

MD Curriculum Year Four

The third phase of training emphasizes professional development activities, individualized career exploration and advanced clinical learning to prepare for residency. In this phase, fourth-year medical students engage in robust clinical experiences that feature progressive levels of direct responsibilities in patient care, and they return to basics to explore the importance of their foundational-science knowledge in clinical settings. In this phase of the curriculum, students also explore their self-directed, lifelong-learning process.

Interspersed campus connection days and vacations days are included in the Year Four student schedule. Note that this graphic represents an example schedule and may not be the schedule for every student.

Core Training

During required rotations, fourth-year MD students continue to gain specialty-specific clinical skills.


Elective courses provide medical students opportunities to advance specific skills and pursue topics of special interest.