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Urban Medicine and Health Care Disparities Scholarly Concentration

This concentration provides students with an understanding of the historical and contemporary barriers that exist for the nation’s medically underserved populations in urban areas. Through coursework, students will investigate authentic cross-cultural and socio-structural determinants underlying health care disparities and demonstrate how sensitivity to such issues improves health care for all. Through scholarly project work, students will act as advocates by developing interventions to address or reduce health disparities.


Some concentration coursework can be completed online; some coursework takes place on the Northwest-Gary campus. The scholarly project work occurs on the Northwest-Gary campus.

Curriculum and Timeline

Students completing the Urban Medicine and Health Care Disparities concentration fulfill the same core curriculum as students in other concentrations. The didactic components provide a strong academic and experiential foundation in urban medicine and health care disparities that is vital for completion of the core curriculum project and product.

Recommended Pathway

 This table shows that the first and second topic specific courses should be completed during phase one in year one. The third topic specific course should be taken during phase one year two. The two remaining courses, project and product, are longitudinal. The project should begin during phase one in year one, while the product should begin during the summer between first and second year of med school. Both the project and product should conclude on or before the end of fourth year.

*Mid December to mid February

Students determine if a concentration pathway will fit in their schedule by contacting concentration co-directors. 

Scholarly Project Topic Examples

Students work with faculty to complete a project in a relevant topic based on student interests. Students are welcome to come up with their own project idea. Previous project topics include but are not limited to:
  • Food Insecurity: An Upstream Social Determinant of 30-day Congestive Heart Failure Readmissions
  • Unequal Burden of Melanoma: How Socioeconomic Status is Associated with Secondary Primary Malignancy Risk and Mortality
  • Association of Socio-Demographic Factors and Social Determinants of Health with Physical Activity Level in Patients with Disabilities
  • Socio-Demographic and Behavioral Predictors of Admission for Kidney Disease in an Urban Hospital in Northwest Indiana
  • Group Prenatal Care Models, Implementation, and Perinatal Outcomes
  • Impact of Race and Industry on Stroke Incidence in Northwest Indiana - A Report to Advocate for Targeted Community-Based Interventions
  • Breast Cancer Disparities Among Women in Underserved Communities in Northwest Indiana
  • Retrospective Cohort Analysis of Colorectal Cancer Staging in Northwest Indiana
  • Sociodemographic Disadvantaged Adolescent Attitudes on Healthy Lifestyle Education: Variances with Career Choice
  • Coil-Assisted Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration (CARTO) for the Treatment of Gastric Variceal Bleeding in a Patient with a Gastrorenal Shunt: A Case Report

Student Testimonials


16590-Han, Amy

Amy W. Han, PhD

Director of Clinical Education at IUSM-Northwest-Gary

Bio and Contact Information

60476-Muvuka, Baraka

Baraka Muvuka, PhD, MPH, MCHES

Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Medicine

Bio and Contact Information

map shows the urban medicine and health care disparities concentration location in gary
MD Student News

In their words: Scholarly Concentration Q&A with Urban Medicine and Health Disparities co-director

Amy Han, PhD, and Elizabeth Ryan, EdD, share details on the Urban Medicine and Health Care Disparities Scholarly Concentration, which provides students with an understanding of the historical and contemporary barriers that exist for the nation’s medically underserved in urban areas.