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Campus placement for the MD Program at IU School of Medicine is determined by computerized lottery based on applicant rankings and campus capacity.

Campus Selection

A distinguishing feature of IU School of Medicine is the statewide campus system that allows students to benefit from different learning environments—each with distinct advantages—while progressing through the school’s MD medical education curriculum.

After acceptance into the IU School of Medicine MD program, all applicants must log into the Applicant Portal and rank their campus preference (numerically 1-9). While all campuses provide a comparable high-quality and collaborative medical education, each location offers unique characteristics that are important to some students. Each applicant should take some time to carefully explore the unique aspects of each IU School of Medicine campus to determine what the best learning environment may be for them.

Explore the Campuses

Take time to explore the learning environment, community and specialty focuses areas of each IU School of Medicine campuses.

Campus Placement

Campus assignments are determined by computerized lottery based on applicant rankings and campus capacity. Assignment notifications begin in May. Assignments are not guaranteed until a confirmation email has been sent from the Office of Admissions.

  • Campus placement for applicants accepted into the Early Decision program is based on a four year commitment at the assigned location.

  • Applicants accepted through the traditional program may spend all four years at the assigned campus or transfer to Indianapolis in the third or fourth year of training.

  • Applicants assigned to Indianapolis, including regional campus transfers, will be required to complete some of their third year clerkships at regional campuses outside Indianapolis. 

Campus Placement FAQ

Accepted applicants receive an email asking them to rank their campus preferences, 1-9. After preferences are received, a computer generated lottery will assign applicants to a campus. Campus placement notifications begin in May.