Phase One of the Indiana University School of Medicine MD curriculum occurs in the first two years of medical school and focuses on developing foundational science knowledge and its integration with clinical skills. Phase One courses are designed to advance competency in medical knowledge with an emphasis on the basic sciences to form a foundation for clinical competency. Courses in the first year of MD Curriculum Phase One run from August through May.

Transitions 1 takes place for two weeks at the beginning of August.
Foundations of Clinical Practice 1 and Health Systems Science 1 run for the whole year, except during vacation breaks.
In mid-August, students begin Human Structure, which runs for nine weeks. In late October, the seven-week Molecules to Cells and Tissues course begins.
In mid-December, students have a three week winter vacation.
In mid-January, courses resume with Fundamentals of Health and Disease for six weeks. In late February, students take the Host Defense course for six weeks.
In early April, there is one week of spring vacation.
The final course of Phase One Year One is Neuroscience and Behavior (six weeks), followed by 11 weeks of summer vacation starting in late May.
Scholarly Concentrations
The Scholarly Concentration program at IU School of Medicine is an optional training experience that complements the core MD curriculum and empowers medical students to delve into a topic of interest, including such as Business of Medicine, Human Sexuality and Health, Urban Medicine and Health Care Disparities, and more. Students completing a Scholarly Concentration benefit from the school’s statewide network of experts and resources, receive unique mentorship opportunities, develop skills, and complete scholarly projects that are valuable for residency applications and professional development.