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Student Psychiatric Research, Undergraduate and Clinical Experiences (SPRUCE)

The Department of Psychiatry at IU School of Medicine offers undergraduate students unique opportunities to engage in current research projects being conducted by faculty members and their research teams. The Student Psychiatric Research, Undergraduate and Clinical Experiences (SPRUCE) program promotes these opportunities and helps both students and faculty get the most out of these experiences.

Faculty researchers are continually making new discoveries in psychiatric and psychological disorders, including child and adolescent disorders, schizophrenia and psychotic disorders, alcohol and substance use, and mood and anxiety disorders. Research experiences provide students the opportunity to be involved with this important work and to expand their educational horizons. Students will be exposed to new environments and experience a wealth of new ideas.

Student Expectations

Students are expected to fulfill the following requirements to serve the role successfully. Additional requirements will be presented by faculty members upon the start of each experience:

  • Students must complete online training courses in research, ethics, regulatory oversight, and responsible conduct of research before working on any research study. Specific guidance will be provided by supervisors. 
  • Anyone responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research or sponsored programs at IU must complete an annual research-related conflict of interest disclosure form.
  • Student research experiences typically last one or more academic terms. Experiences may also take place over the summer. Students working onsite are expected to arrange and maintain a regular weekly schedule to be established with their direct supervisor. 
  • Students working in a remote capacity are expected to be signed in and available on Skype for Business, Teams, or other agreed upon platform during their work hours, and are expected to check email regularly during work hours. 


Research projects are ongoing, and students may undergo the onboarding process throughout the year as opportunities become available.

Several programs on campus support undergraduate research. Faculty researchers in the Department of Psychiatry supervise students participating in the following programs:

Additional opportunities may also be available with faculty researchers.

Let Us Know About Your Interest

Interested in gaining research experience? Complete the survey below to indicate your preferences and research interests.


For more information on requirements and faculty obligations, view the onboarding resources here.

For  more information about the SPRUCE Program, email

Program Leadership

59677-Miller, Michelle

Michelle L. Miller, PhD

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Read Bio