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Message from the Directors

The IU School of Medicine Triple Board Residency provides a five year comprehensive and integrated training in Pediatrics, Adult Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Our mission is to train residents to become highly-skilled, compassionate, creative physicians who thoughtfully meet healthcare needs of underserved, marginalized, and vulnerable children, youth, and adults. 

Triple Board graduates are board-eligible in all three disciplines and use their integrated training in multiple unique settings. Examples include providing psychiatric consultation in a pediatric medical setting, treating patients with neurodevelopmental disorders and chronic diseases, participating in collaborative care clinics, practicing in underserved pediatric populations, and devoting time to systems development, advocacy, and education. 

The Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics are deeply committed to the philosophy that Triple Board training represents. We embrace the opportunity to collaborate as faculty, researchers, and educators as we work together in training new Triple Board physicians. Special attention is given each year to providing the essential components of each discipline, while also tailoring the training and mentoring to each physician’s career path. Our graduates are well prepared for clinical and academic opportunities in each discipline. We are incredibly proud of our program and the talented, diverse physicians we have trained for over 25 years.

For more updated information and insights into our program, please follow us on Instagram! @indianatripleboard

23452-Dionisio, Corissa

Corissa E. Dionisio, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry

Director, Triple Board Residency 

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9301-Yoder, Rachel

Rachel B. Yoder, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry

Associate Program Director, Triple Board Residency

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Mikah Nelson

Program Coordinator