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SIG Resources and Requirements

To maintain their status as an official organization, Student Interest Group (SIG) leadership must comply with annual requirements. 

Failure to meet the following requirements will result in probation. For any questions, contact the Vice President of Statewide Affairs. 

Indianapolis: Registered student organization (RSO) requirements 

  • Must remain a RSO with The Spot and re-register by April 31 each year.

Medical Student Council (MSC) Requirements 

  • At least one officer must complete online MSC Student Leader Orientation and complete quiz, with a passing score of at least 80%. 
  • President or chair and treasurer or secretary suggested 
  • Elections for SIG leadership must be held by April 30 and communicated via the end of the year report by May 31. 
  • End-of-Year Report must be submitted by May 31 each year to the Vice President of Statewide Affairs. 
  • If a SIG advisor or constitution changes, Vice President of Statewide Affairs must be notified. 
  • A representative from each SIG is encouraged to attend at least one MSC meeting per year. SIG leaders should check the monthly MSC minutes to ensure they are aware of any updates that may affect their group. 

Event and programming requirements 

  • SIGs must hold at least five events each year. One event must be a service or wellness project.
    • SIGs may collaborate with and receive funding from Medical Service Learning for service projects.
    • SIGs must turn in attendance sheet for each event to Medical Student Education office and/or MSC Treasurer to receive future funding.
  • SIGs should advertise all events via the official IU School of Medicine Calendar and MD Student Newsletter.
  • The number of participants in SIG events must, on average, be higher than the number of SIG officers. 

Faculty Advisor requirements 

  • All SIGs are required to have a faculty advisor.
  • Faculty advisors should be provided with this list of guidelines and expectations. This is especially important for new SIGs or SIGs with new advisors. 

SIG Probation and Monitoring 

  • The MSC Vice President of Statewide Affairs is responsible for reviewing compliance with the above expectations as well as issuing corrective action directives. 
  • Reviews will be conducted via email. Meetings are only required in the case of an appeal. 
  • If a SIG is put on probation, SIG leaders will be notified by the Vice President of Statewide Affairs. 
  • Probation status lasts one semester, during which the SIG leadership is given the opportunity to fulfil unmet requirements and become a fully recognized SIG. 
  • Any SIGs not compliant at the subsequent mid-year review will forfeit their MSC membership and privileges. 

SIG Probation Appeals Procedure 

  • SIGs that have failed the mid-year review may arrange a meeting with the SIG Accountability Committee to appeal. 
  • If a SIG decides to appeal their probation status, an ad hoc SIG Accountability Committee will be formed to review the case. This committee will be composed of four SIG representatives and chaired by the Vice President of Statewide Affairs. 
  • The SIG Accountability Committee may choose three rulings: (1) Denial of Appeal, (2) Requiring compliance after a Probationary Period extended until the fall review, or (3) Reversal of punitive action. 
  • SIGs that have been ruled to be non-compliant and have been denied appeal must reapply for SIG status via the procedure outlined above.