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Career Development Consultations

Need guidance on navigating your career, deciding if you are ready for promotion, enhancing your teaching skills, or wondering what resources are available for grant writing? FAPD offers faculty one-on-one consultations for a variety of needs including career development, promotion and tenure, teaching development and basic science research.

Get Started

Career Development Consultations provide guidance and resources to build your career.

How it works

Interested faculty will sign up for a consultation using an online form maintained by FAPD. An FAPD administrative staff will then provide faculty a list of consultants along with their bio sketches and ask faculty to choose with whom they would like to consult. Once the faculty have sent in their preferences, the FAPD staff member will contact the consultant to schedule a mutually agreeable time for the meeting.

Note: For career development consultations, faculty will be asked to complete a brief individual development plan and send in their CV so the consultant can better prepare for the meeting.

Expected outcomes

  • Increased clarity with career planning, including advancement in rank.
  • Enhanced career vitality and sense of institutional and collegial support.
  • Increased awareness of resources and strategies for teaching and research development.
  • Expanded network of potential collaborators and mentors.

Request a consultation