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FAQ: Interview Process for Residency Programs

You can help yourself prior to the interview by making sure you can answer questions regarding:

  • Memories of favorite patients or interesting operative cases
  • Potential ethical scenarios you may have experienced and how you navigated those situations
  • An activity or event that demonstrates your leadership ability
  • Constructive thoughts about your medical school experience
  • What you are looking for in a residency program and what is most important to you
  • What attracted you to the program when you applied
  • If you have an anticipated career path (subspecialty, academic or private practice)
  • How you personally prepare for surgical cases
  • How you fill a knowledge gap and what are your lifelong learning strategies
  • How you are currently preparing for residency

Be prepared for interviewers to ask about the questions you might have about the program. Make sure you have a list prepared in advance so you can ask your questions of the program director, residents and faculty members interviewing you that day.

Prepare for your residency interview with a mock interview. Mock interviews can be uncomfortable, but the best way to go through the interview process with the least amount of nerves is to practice. Ask faculty members, residents you may know, or even a family member to help you prepare for the interview.