If for any reason you feel unsafe entering or leaving campus, you can use SafeWalk services and security escort options for each facility.
IU Indianapolis will provide backup SafeWalk services for all facilities. When calling for assistance, identify yourself as a GME resident/fellow in the School of Medicine. SafeWalk services are available at all hospitals; call the hospital where you are working to arrange for a SafeWalk to your car or another hospital.
IU Health Downtown Facilities
IU Health provides safe escort to lots and garages but not mobile transport between facilities.
- University Hospital — 317-962-8000
- Riley Hospital — 317-962-8000
- Methodist Hospital — 317-962-8000
Eskenazi Health Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital
Richard L. Roudebush Indianapolis Veterans’ Administration Medical Center
317-988-2200 or 8-2200 internally
- VA Police have no authority off federal property and therefore cannot perform duties as police officers off VA property with few exceptions.
- VA Police are available 24/7 to escort on property by calling 317-988-2200 or 8-2200 internally. Depending on staffing and call volume/priority there may be a short wait for an available officer.
IU Indianapolis
317-274-SAFE (7233)
- IU Indianapolis Police provides SafeWalk — a safe and reliable alternative to walking alone at night around the campus community and beyond.
- This is a 24/7 service.
- Security will try to arrive within ten to fifteen minutes of the request.
Residents and fellows in non-downtown Indy and statewide sites: Please reach out to the security office of the facility in which you are rotating.