The accrediting body for Indiana University School of Medicine’s residency and fellowship programs is the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), a private, non-profit organization that reviews and accredits graduate medical education (residency and fellowship) programs, and the institutions that sponsor them, in the United States. IU School of Medicine has 86 residency and fellowship programs accredited by the ACGME and 55 non-accredited programs.
IU School of Medicine complies with the requirements set forth by the ACGME as part of the Next Accreditation System (NAS). This includes ensuring that both the institution and the accredited training programs are meeting established expectations, which includes assurance that residents become proficient in six competencies during their graduate medical education training. Each ACGME-accredited program must participate in annual surveys, electronic data updates, and program self-studies as part of their accreditation maintenance. The IU School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) provides oversight for these processes. Due to substantial compliance with ACGME requirements, IU School of Medicine has been granted “Continued Accreditation” status by the ACGME.
Additionally, IU School of Medicine participates in regular Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) site visits. These Joint Commission-style visits provide the ACGME with a first-hand view of the teaching hospitals that help the School train residents and fellows.
The School also offers GME training programs accredited by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) as well as 53 non-accredited programs.