Read answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) for new resident and fellow enrollment in Graduate Medical Education at IU School of Medicine.
New Resident and Fellow Enrollment FAQ
The MedHub Notifications email you receive from ( is unique to you. The link within is needed several times to access the IU School of Medicine Online Enrollment Portal before you begin training (do not delete the email). The Enrollment Actions list within the portal contains all the essential items needed to initiate your letter of appointment and to complete your enrollment into GME. Note: Items further down in the Enrollment Portal List may be dependent upon the completion of earlier items in the list (ex: NPI number is dependent upon the issuance of your Indiana Medical License number, which is dependent on the processing of your Background Check). You will not be able to finish all items in the list right away, but failure to complete all requirements prior to your state date may result in training delays.
The preferred internet browser for the MedHub system is Mozilla Fire Fox.
Internet Explorer will work but may cache the page and time out periodically.
Google Chrome will work but requires an added Adobe Acrobat extension to allow you to complete the required PDF documents and sign them (click here for instructions).
Safari will work if you have a recent version of Adobe Reader downloaded and choose “Open with Adobe Reader”; however, this browser will not allow you to complete PDF documents in Preview.
The internet browser you are using has “cached” the login page. To correct this, close the browser completely, go back to the MedHub Notification email, and click on your unique link to open a new login page. This will allow you to enter your last name and log in again.
Click the help link below for the version of Adobe you have and follow the instructions for creating a self-signed digital ID. (If prompted to select: “digital signatures, data encryption, or both” choose “digital signatures only”).
Follow these steps for electronically completing PDF documents:
1. Create an electronic signature (Adobe Digital ID, instructions above) if you have not already.
2. When you click a PDF document link to open it, a message should appear asking if you want to open or save the file. Change the view option to ‘Other’ and then select ‘Acrobat Reader’ (if it opens in ‘Preview,’ the security settings will not allow you to save any changes or apply the signature). Note: You should be able to check a box to always open Acrobat Reader for PDF files.
3. Fill out the form electronically. Click on File, choose Save As, select PDF, choose desktop or documents, and click save. Close the completed form.
4. Go to your Enrollment Action List and click the Upload File button next to the appropriate item. Click Browse, find the saved file, and double click on its title.
5. Click the Upload button. You will see a green check in your status column and the Upload File button will have changed to Mark Unsent (in case you need to change the file) when the form has been successfully uploaded.
Troubleshooting options:
1. Follow the steps in the previous Q/As. Downloading Adobe Reader and opening/viewing in Acrobat Reader instead of Preview will solve the vast majority of PDF issues.
2. Check to see if an update is available for your current version of Adobe Acrobat.
3. Convert the PDF document to Word (use scribble or draw option to sign) and re-save as a PDF here.
4. If you have a scanner, you may print the documents, complete them manually, scan and send to yourself via email or directly to your computer. Save each to your computer as a separate file and then upload to your enrollment portal action list.
5. If all else fails, call the 24-hour IU School of Medicine Help Desk at 317-274-4357.
Be sure to inform the IU School of Medicine Help Desk representative that you are completing your hire documents for IU School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education program to receive the help you require.
This security safeguard is provided by Indiana University. Please find details on setting up this process on your devices at