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Chemical Genomics Core Facility

The Chemical Genomics Core Facility (CGCF) at the Indiana University School of Medicine seeks to provide sophisticated small molecule informatics, design and synthesis; to facilitate faculty-driven high-throughput screening and high-content analysis; and to perform small and large molecule analysis for academic and industrial investigators.

The CGCF is located in the Van Nuys Medical Science Building in Indianapolis. The core is equipped with five hoods for chemical synthesis, a microwave reactor, a parallel synthesizer and a preparative HPLC; a collection of 227,680 diversified small molecules, liquid handling and assay detection systems; and analytical instruments such as LC/Q-ToF and NMR.


Contact Alain Bopda Waffo, PhD, to inquire about collaborating with the Chemical Genomics Core Facility.

Request Service

Contact Lifan Zeng, PhD, to request medicinal and analytical chemistry services.

Contact Jingwei Meng, PhD, to request high throughput screening service.