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Data generated by the institute is kept on a secure server with access to core personnel only.

If a resolution cannot be reached at the director level, the issue will be taken to an advisory committee for discussion and resolution.

If recovery of payment becomes an issue, business managers will contact the customer and/ or their department to collect charges owed. If there is a dispute in charges, the conflict resolution policy above will be followed.

Studies or services will be on a first come, first serve basis. In the event that there is a back-log of studies or conflict in scheduling, services will be prioritized based on the following guidelines:

  • Extramural Grant Funded Research
  • Intramural and/or Industry Funded Research
  • Standard of Care Diagnostic Scans Unrelated to Research
  • Funded Pilot or Development Projects
  • Unfunded Pilot or Development Projects

Data obtained using facility equipment should include an acknowledgment of Indiana Institute for Biomedical Imaging Sciences.

Text descriptions of the facility where equipment was used is available for researchers wishing to describe grant applications. The institute can provide letters of consultation or collaboration, as needed. It is requested that users of equipment supply the institute with an updated list every six months of publications and grant applications that referencing institute facilities.