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Investigators using the services and equipment provided by the Histology Core of the Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health at IU School of Medicine‘s Indianapolis campus should review facility policies on confidentiality, training and budgeting.

There is no expressed confidentiality assumed by the core or the core operator for any core instrument. However, if user confidentiality is desired, users must provide a written request to the core director at least one week prior to equipment usage.

The core does not require authorship for core usage. However, if core personnel have made a significant contribution to the experimental design or analysis of the results or have participated in preparing the results for publication, they may be included in authorship with their approval and agreement. In all cases, the core requests the following statement be placed in an acknowledgements section of any published work that utilized core facilities: “This work was supported by the Histology Core of the Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health at IU School of Medicine and the Indiana Clinical Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI).”

All conflicts, including those related to scheduling, technical issues, authorship, quality and authorship, are to be expressed in writing to the core director.

All users seeking unassisted utilization of core equipment are required to be trained by the core director before they gain access to any core instrument. This training session will be charged to the user using the assisted rate fee for the instrument. All unique users must be trained, regardless of whether other members of a lab have already been trained. Training must be repeated if six months have elapsed between uses of an instrument.

All principal investigators seeking to use core services are strongly encouraged to include the costs of core instrument usage in any funding proposal. Sub-contracts for assisted services may be sought to cover expenses, particularly for in-depth or prolonged assisted core instrument needs.