Bone and muscle couple mechanical and biochemical stimulation to effect cellular responses through signal transduction. They also act as endocrine/secretory organs by releasing soluble factors, such as osteokines and myokines. The mechanobiology and muscle-bone crosstalk research team utilizes molecular, cellular, systemic and organismal level functional outcomes to investigate mutual interactions between bone and muscle. Given many physiological processes are regulated by bone and muscle in a paracrine manner, our group also investigates distant tissues in development, normal physiology and disease.
Team Leaders
Uma Sankar, PhD
Associate Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology
William R. Thompson, DPT, PhD
Associate Professor - School of Health & Human Sciences
Faculty Investigators
Tarah J. Ballinger, MD
Vera Bradley Foundation Scholar in Breast Cancer Research
Robyn K. Fuchs, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology
Yukiko Kitase, DDS, PhD
Assistant Research Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology
Margaret A. McNulty, PhD
Associate Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology
Thomas M. O'Connell, PhD
Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Fredrick M. Pavalko, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology
Diane Wagner, PhD
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, School of Science
Stuart J. Warden, PhD
Professor of Physical Therapy, School of Health & Human Sciences
Steven S. Welc, PhD
Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology, and Physiology
Carol A. Witczak, PhD
Associate Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology
Hiroki Yokota, PhD
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering & Technology
Indiana University Members - Other Schools
Rafael Bahamonde, PhD
Founding Dean; School of Health & Human Sciences
Purdue University Members
Chad Carroll, PhD
Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology
Shihuan Kuang, PhD
Professor of Animal Sciences
Tim Gavin, PhD
Chair and Professor of Exercise Physiology
Russell Main, PhD
Associate Professor, Basic Medical Sciences