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How is my information used?

Researchers from Indiana University School of Medicine and other institutions around the world can access data about bone and muscle health collected by the FIT Core. They will not have identifiable data (e.g., name, address, phone, etc.). Using this data, researchers work to improve our understanding of musculoskeletal disease or disorders.  

How is my data stored?


Data that is collected in the FIT Core is transferred to a data infrastructure called OnCore. This is a data platform that is approved by the Indiana University institutional review board.

Indiana Biobank

The FIT Core closely collaborates with the Indiana Biobank, which is part of the Indiana Clinical and Translational Science Institute. Each sample of blood or saliva that is collected gets packaged and sent to the Indiana Biobank. Here, the samples are stored in a way that removes any information that could identify you. If a researcher expresses interest in using the samples, then we work with the study team to assure the use of the samples are appropriate for the research design or question. 

Publications and studies using FIT Core data

What do they do with my data?

Your data is unique to you — like a library book is unique to a title and author. In research, we may want to compare different 'books' to each other in order to answer different questions. So, for each question, the researcher requests specific 'books' to check out of the library to answer their specific question. Indiana University committees oversee the proper use of these books.

Who has access to my data?

Only team members with specific training have access to data from FIT Core participants. This involves following specific regulatory guidelines designed to prevent the loss of confidentiality. Data transfers are de-identified, which removes specific information that could be used to identify someone (e.g., name, address, job title, etc.). Additionally, the program navigator facilitates data transfer agreements and works with the study team to ensure proper usage of the requested information. A unique FIT Core ID can be linked to a participant's medical record number allowing researchers to examine past medical history. This is important because it helps researchers distinguish between certain conditions or predict health outcomes. 

To summarize, the transfer of your data requires:

  • Collaboration with our study team and detailed understanding on how the information will be used
  • Removal of all information that could be linked to the participant
  • Regulatory documents