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Hearing, Executive, Language and Learning Outcomes Project

Despite dramatic improvement in spoken language skills after cochlear implantation, many children with cochlear implants fall behind their hearing peers in language development. The Hearing, Executive, Language and Learning Outcomes (HELLO) project’s research has shown that about one in three children with cochlear implants has a mild or greater delay in executive functioning. This research project aims to understand why some children with cochlear implants develop average or better executive functioning and language skills while others experience less positive outcomes in these areas.
90 percent of deaf children are born to hearing parents
33 percent of children with a cochlear implant have a delay in executive functioning

What is a Cochlear Implant?

Cochlear implants are prosthetic devices that restore some components of hearing to deaf individuals, allowing for perception of sound and development of spoken language.

Developments and Treatments

The project is developing new tests and treatments to improve the understanding, evaluation and treatment of deaf children with cochlear implants who experience challenges with attention, concentration, executive functioning or language outcomes.

Project Director