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Clinical Experience and Training

Clinical experience takes place at the free-standing tertiary care Riley Hospital for Children which includes nephrology service with dedicated resident team, high volume onsite dialysis unit and robust kidney transplant, critical care and neonatal intensive care programs.

The clinical year generally comprises six months of inpatient service and five months of outpatient work.

During the clinical year fellows will develop expertise in managing various forms of acute renal replacement therapy, chronic outpatient hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. They will also become proficient at performing kidney biopsies.

Outpatient electives are available including kidney pathology, urology, uro-radiology, research and transplant surgery. Fellows may also create their own elective experience.

Clinical training can be tailored for an emphasis in critical care nephrology, outpatient dialysis, transplant and transition, glomerular disease, clinical education or global health.