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Resident research

Residency Research

The Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery houses a top-funded otolaryngologic research program, and the otolaryngology residency curriculum offers a strong foundation in basic science and clinical research techniques. The goal is for each resident to gain the necessary skill set expected of today’s academic physicians, should they choose this career path.

Each resident is required to complete one research project per year, mentored by faculty of their choosing. Additionally, early in their residency, each resident will write and submit one Academy Core grant (or comparable) application to gain experience with the grantsmanship. This will also allow residents to potentially obtain funding for their dedicated research block project which is a four-month protected research rotation during year three. Resident research projects are presented at the annual Manion-Lingeman Research Symposium in June. Many projects are also presented at regional or national meetings and/or published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Recent Resident Publications

Recent Resident Presentations

Residency Research Directors

17430-Halum, Stacey

Stacey L. Halum, MD

Professor of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

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23096-Nelson, Rick

Rick F. Nelson, MD, PhD

Professor of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

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