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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Activities

In June of 2022, the Indiana University School of Medicine Faculty Steering Committee (FSC) approved a modification to the school’s promotion and tenure expectations regarding activities in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Faculty have the option to include a short narrative about these activities in their personal statement and note them on their CVs. This change was first introduced in January 2022 with the goal of better aligning faculty expectations with the IU School of Medicine Honor Code and commitment to addressing health disparities.

The school will facilitate training opportunities and develop resources for faculty, departmental leaders, and promotion and tenure committees to learn about these optional additions to promotion and tenure materials.

Example faculty DEI activities

Key Takeaways

  • Promotion and tenure decisions are made based on excellence or satisfactory contributions in research, service and teaching; there is no separate vote by reviewers as to whether specific DEI activities are satisfactory or not. Any optional statement submitted will not be used for the purposes of hiring, promotion or tenure.
  • Faculty members have the option to show effort toward advancing DEI and addressing health disparities in at least one mission area by including a short narrative summary in their personal statement and/or by noting relevant activities in their CVs.
  • Activities listed are at the discretion of the faculty member and do not need to be in their area of excellence.
  • Faculty are encouraged to review the definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the sample activities resource. For example, inclusion is defined as an approach designed to ensure that the thoughts, opinions, perspectives, and experiences of all individuals are valued, heard, encouraged, respected, and considered.