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Tenure Track

The tenure track is appropriate for faculty who make contributions in the three mission areas of research, service, and teaching. Dually-employed faculty can also choose to be on this track. Faculty members choose one of the missions for their area of excellence and must be satisfactory in the other two areas.

Excellence in research, service, or teaching

Satisfactory in the other two areas

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Contact to arrange a consultation for promotion and tenure.

Areas of Excellence

yaoying ma smiles in her research lab


Learn more about the criteria for demonstrating excellence in research.

brownsyne tucker edmonds sees a pregnant patient in the clinic


Learn more about the criteria for demonstrating excellence in service.

a teaching speaks to students in anatomy lab


Learn more about the criteria for demonstrating excellence in teaching.

Tenure Track Timeline

Note that there are two options for formative review under the nine-year clock. A formative review will be conducted in year three. The fifth year is a decision point. During year five, faculty may either undergo a second formative review or may elect to submit their dossier and apply for tenure and promotion. Those choosing the second formative review in year five may submit their dossier for promotion and tenure during year six or year seven. Faculty members will be notified by Faculty Affairs about the need to submit either the full or abbreviated dossier at the five-year point. Achieving tenure is required in order to remain in a current faculty position at IU School of Medicine.

Tenure Probationary Timeline

tenure probationary timeline shows career path from year 1 to year 10. Review occurs in years 3 and 5. Tenure and promotion submission occurs in year 7. Promotion is effective in year 9 and tenure is effective in year 10.