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Clinical Track

The clinical track is best for faculty whose contributions focus primarily on professional service, teaching, patient care, and/or activities in support of patient care. Faculty on this track advance in rank based on performance in teaching and service. Research is not evaluated.


Excellence in service or teaching

Satisfactory in other area

Schedule a consult

Contact to arrange a consultation for promotion and tenure.

Why go for promotion? The reasons range from recognition of academic accomplishments, eligibility for leadership roles or to serve on certain committees (e.g., promotion committees), role modeling for junior colleagues and trainees, and personal satisfaction.

Associate Professor
One must be able to document/demonstrate an emerging regional or national reputation accompanied by a body of scholarship for advancement to associate professor 

Full Professor
A faculty member must demonstrate a sustained and sustainable national reputation accompanied by a body of scholarship for advancement to professor.

brownsyne tucker edmonds sees a pregnant patient in the clinic


Learn more about the criteria for demonstrating excellence in service.

a teaching speaks to students in anatomy lab


Learn more about the criteria for demonstrating excellence in teaching.

Clinical Track Timeline

Faculty members are administratively reviewed for a long-term clinical appointment in their third year, however, faculty have the flexibility to seek promotion whenever they’re ready—there is no specified timeline or “clock” for promotion. We recommend that faculty members regularly discuss their preparation and readiness for promotion with their department chair, division chief, center director or their designee. Members of the Faculty Affairs and Professional Development team are also available for consultation.