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Showing results for Fall 2021

  • Medical student Dana Mitchell works in a lab.

    Doctor, Diagnose Thyself

    Medical student Dana Mitchell thought she might be suffering from an uncommon autoimmune disorder—and set out to prove it.

    Laura Gates  |  Nov 21, 2021
  • Michael Econs, MD, runs a lab looking for a treatment for marble bone disease.

    Boning Up

    Michael Econs helped find a treatment for one rare genetic condition. Now, he’s turned his attention to another: osteopetrosis.

    Bobby King  |  Nov 21, 2021
  • Eamon Eccles poses for a portrait.

    Let's Do What We've Got to Do

    Eamon Eccles faced his own mortality as a cancer patient. It taught the future physician a few things about empathy.

    Laura Gates  |  Nov 19, 2021
  • Dean Jay L. Hess, MD, PhD, MHSA

    Finding Everyday Wonders

    As IU School of Medicine strives to train stellar physicians and use research to transform health, it’s worth taking a moment to behold the progress ...

    Jay Hess  |  Nov 18, 2021
  • Lawrence Einhorn, MD.

    Refining the Cure

    Lawrence Einhorn pioneered a treatment for testicular cancer. Today, he strives to ‘lessen the burden’ it puts on patients.

    Laura Gates  |  Nov 18, 2021
  • Pemberton with her husband and kids

    Research Saves Lives

    Stephanie Pemberton saw the impact cancer research had for others—and experienced it herself after she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Bobby King  |  Nov 18, 2021
  • Shobha Shahani, MD, oversees a chemobrain study at IU School of Medicine.

    Lifting the Fog

    Immunotherapy holds tremendous promise, but a researcher is exploring whether it plays a role in cognitive changes among cancer survivors.

    Matthew Harris  |  Nov 16, 2021
  • Violet and Ellen Refbord pose for a portrait.

    At First Glance

    When Violet Refbord was born, glaucoma threatened to steal her vision. Her parents turned to pediatric ophthalmologists at Indiana University School of Medicine, where the ...

    Matthew Harris  |  Nov 15, 2021
  • Gary Dunnington, MD, poses for a portrait.

    Building Better Surgeons

    Surgeons traditionally learned their craft with a scalpel in hand in a pressure-packed operating room. Gary Dunnington, MD, envisioned a better way, starting a ...

    Bobby King  |  Nov 04, 2021