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Showing results for Winter 2019

  • Maplewood Mansion

    Muncie’s Medicine Mansion

    Students doing rotations at Ball Memorial Hospital can stay at a plush pad with critical amenities.

    Matthew Harris  |  Jan 09, 2019
  • LEADS_10

    Will I be next?

    For many families, what should be some of the best years of their lives will be stolen by a degenerative brain condition.

    Bobby King  |  Jan 01, 2019
  • Chandon Sen, PhD, Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering at the Indiana University School of Medicine

    The Faces of Regeneration

    Can skin cells and a nanochip grow new flesh, nerve cells and organs? At IU School of Medicine, Chandan Sen and his team explore the ...

    Bobby King  |  Jan 01, 2019
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    The Psychology of Surgery

    The surgical skills center teaches surgeons the nuts and bolts of their craft. But it also goes further - Equipping them with the tools to ...

    Matthew Harris  |  Jan 01, 2019
  • Med-Students

    The Doctors Will See You Soon

    First year students tell us their hopes and dreams - what inspired the choice to become a healer.

    Bobby King  |  Jan 01, 2019
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    Sell a House, Build a Legacy

    A donation of real estate can unlock a potentially transformational gift to IU School of Medicine.

    Tim Ueber  |  Jan 01, 2019
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    Hocus POCUS

    Once upon a time, ultrasound machines were as big as washers. Today, these sleek devices fir in your pocket - and will become standard issue ...

    Bobby King  |  Jan 01, 2019