The Department of Medicine strives to have a workplace where every member of the team looks forward to coming to work each day. Recognizing and appreciating the contributions of everyone is an important element to create this type of culture.
Thank you for everything you do! From the Department of Medicine

Department of Medicine Recognition Toolkit

The Department of Medicine strives to have a workplace where every member of the team looks forward to coming to work each day. Recognizing and appreciating the contributions of everyone is an important element to create this type of culture. We hope you’ll find at least one idea to implement to help in creating a culture of recognition across the department.

In this toolkit, you'll find:
  • Information on the importance of recognition
  • Available university and health system recognition tools
  • Ideas for strengthening relationships in the workplace


Illustration of a man with a thumbs up

What is Recognition and its Importance?

Research shows that managers who do not use the power of recognition hamper their own effectiveness and diminish the power of their employees and teams.

Illustration of four people standing together and smiling

Instructions for a "Getting to Know You" Form

Create a Teams form that will allow you to privately get to know your team members and their recognition preferences.

Illustration of a woman holding a large blue-wrapped gift

Marking Birthdays and Anniversaries

Personalized notes and shout-outs are a great way to recognize a team member on their work anniversary or, with their permission, on their birthdays.

Illustration of a man and woman high-fiving

Things to Say in Praise or Support

A kind word can go a long way. Here is a list of 40 things to say to praise and support members of your team.

Illustration of a woman yelling into a megaphone

Nominate a colleague for recognition

Each month, the Department of Medicine recognizes one team member in the department-wide newsletter, The Pulse, for their dedication and hard work. Is someone you work with going above and beyond in their role? Nominate them!

Illustration of five people standing together and smiling

Team Building and Gathering Ideas

Recognition can take the form of gatherings that allow team members time to get to know each other while doing something fun or meaningful.

Illustration of two woman looking at a paper

Opportunities & Nomination Tracking

This database was established to provide all members of the Department of Medicine with access to formal recognition opportunities both internal and external to the IU and IU Health organizations.

Illustration of a woman using a laptop

Write a Successful Nomination Letter

Once you pick an award and a person to nominate, use these tips to craft a letter that will help the person shine.