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Office Roles and Responsibilities

President of the Faculty

Three-year commitment with one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past-President. 

The President shall:

  • Be the primary representative of, and spokesperson for, the faculty
  • Chair all faculty and FSC meetings; delegating this authority to another member in their absence
  • Conduct meetings according to Robert’s “Rules of Order;” appoint a parliamentarian if desired;
  • Represent the IU School of Medicine faculty through serving as a Unit Representatives to the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council (provided they are eligible)
  • Ensure that IU School of Medicine provides Unit Representatives to the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council in the number as determined annually by that Council
  • Appoint eligible faculty members to fill vacancies arising in elected positions to the FSC
  • Appoint at least 3 voting faculty members to the Nominations Committee
  • In consultation with the other FSC officers, establish an agenda for all-faculty meetings and FSC meetings
  • Unless a conflict of interest occurs, serve on the IU School of Medicine Faculty Grievance Advisory Committee when that committee is convened
  • Represent the faculty by serving as a representative to the School Executive Committee

President-Elect of the Faculty

The President-Elect shall:

  • Attend all-school and FSC meetings
  • Represent the IU School of Medicine faculty by serving as a Unit Representatives to the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council (provided they are eligible)
  • Chair the Nominations Committee
  • Unless a conflict of interest occurs, serve on the IU School of Medicine Faculty Grievance Advisory Committee when that committee is convened

Past President of the Faculty

The Past President of the FSC shall:

  • Attend all-school and FSC meetings
  • Participate on the Nominations Committee
  • Unless a conflict of interest occurs, serve on the IU School of Medicine Faculty Grievance Advisory Committee when that committee is convened

Secretary of the Faculty

Two-year commitment with one year as Secretary-Elect and one year as Secretary. The Secretary shall:

  • Attend all-school and FSC meetings
  • Notify members of the FSC at least one week in advance of the agenda, time and place of each FSC meeting
  • In consultation with the other FSC officers, set the agenda for each all-faculty meeting and monthly FSC meetings
  • Be responsible for conducting correspondence and keeping minutes for the FSC meetings in conjunction with FSC administrator; Issue minutes of each all-faculty and FSC meeting
  • Represent the IU School of Medicine faculty through serving as a Unit Representatives to the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council (provided they are eligible)
  • Obtain nominations for the annual faculty elections and ensure that the election process proceeds according to the timeline outlined in the IU School of Medicine Faculty Constitution
  • Validate the election results
  • Confirm the IFC representatives to the FSC for the academic year
  • After election results are in and prior to the start of each academic year, communicate to the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council Staff Coordinator the IU School of Medicine Unit Representatives to the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council and the IU School of Medicine candidates to be included on the slate for the University Faculty Council ballot

Secretary-Elect of the Faculty

The Secretary-Elect shall:

  • Attend all-school and FSC meetings
  • Assist the Secretary as needed
  • Represent the IU School of Medicine faculty through serving as a Unit Representatives to the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council (provided they are eligible)

Consult the FSC Bylaws for a description of department and regional campus representatives and other ex-officio members.