Block Schedule: IND 1 (PGY 6)
Independent IR residents without ESIR certification
Block Schedule: IND 2 (PGY 6 or 7)
Independent IR residents with ESIR certification or those in their second year of training have 13 months of IR rotations. Residents rotate through eight hospitals.
Independent interventional radiology residents rotate through the various dedicated outpatient interventional radiology clinics, experiencing a wide variety of patient populations and disease pathology. Residents rotate through clinic for a half-day every other week throughout the entirety of training.
Independent residents are involved in at least one of the division’s quality improvement projects. Residents are required to present their work at a national conference and/or publish findings in a peer-reviewed journal.
Call Exposure
Independent interventional radiology residents progressively assume greater interventional radiology call responsibility throughout residency.PGY6 and PGY7 residents do 1-2 blocks of dedicated IR night float, thus preventing the need to take overnight call while working routine hours during the week. PGY6-7 also take Senior weekend call on average Q5 weekends. Residents cover primary IR call serving as the primary operator or supervisor to the junior interventional radiology resident as appropriate and always in conjunction with on-call interventional radiology faculty.