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Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center

At the forefront of dementia research for more than 30 years

The Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (IADRC) was established in 1991 to bring together investigators and institutional resources at Indiana University School of Medicine. At the forefront of Alzheimer’s disease research for over 30 years, the IADRC is one of only 37 centers in the U.S. solely committed to Alzheimer’s research. The center supports the U.S. National Alzheimer’s Project Act to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease by 2025 through innovative research on etiology, early detection and therapeutics. Signed by President Barack Obama, the act offers a historic opportunity to address the many challenges facing people with Alzheimer’s disease and their families.               

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two Black community members wearing matching alzheimer's disease tshirts at an outreach event

Outreach and engagement

Whether it's through Walk to End Alzheimer's events, annual caregiver symposiums or the center newsletter — the IADRC has been involved in the Indianapolis and greater Indiana community for decades and continues to explore new ways to engage with Hoosiers about Alzheimer's research and brain health.

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a provider shows a patient some details in a booklet titled "understanding memory loss"

Research participation

Each year, the IADRC opens the door for innovative research and exploration into new opportunities for participation from members of the community and those who have been most impacted by this devastating disease. 

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30 more than thirty years of Alzheimer's disease research experience
over 450 brain donations
50 million dollars in NIH funding
research spotlight
41882-Jo, Taeho

Taeho Jo, PhD

Assistant Research Professor of Radiology & Imaging Sciences

Taeho recently received a Alzheimer's Association Research Grant to further his project titled Dual-Deep Learning AI Strategy to Identify Tau-associated Genetic Variants in Alzheimer's Disease. In this project, he will apply advanced artificial intelligence strategies to the challenges of genetic risk in Alzheimer's disease.

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27197-Mathew, Sunu

Sunu Mathew, MD

Assistant Scientist in Radiology & Imaging Sciences

Sunu's recent research focus on the association of retinal vasculature with Alzheimer’s neuroimaging biomarkers helped her receive an Alzheimer's Association Research Grant for those new to the field of Alzheimer's research, as well as to help promote diversity within this focus of medicine.

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44720-Yu, Meichen

Meichen Yu, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiology & Imaging Sciences

Meichen's current project titled Identifying the Role of Transcriptome in Connectome Disruption of AD is part of a three-year Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellowship award that expands on his research in identifying associations between the human connectome, amyloid-β and different tau pathologies.

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a provider prepares a patient for an MRI

Alzheimer's research expertise

As one of the country's oldest Alzheimer's disease research centers and a state leader in dementia-related disease research, the IADRC is an hub for current and future research experts to further their innovation and explore new ways to uncover transformative patient care.

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a woman smiles while she speaks to her doctor

Learn more about the center

Discover the faculty, staff and eight research/service cores that help lead the IADRC into new avenues of Alzheimer's disease research.

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Get Involved

The Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center relies on the involvement of participants to further its advancement of research in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. To potentially get involved, interested participants must submit a referral form.

Center awarded $15 million in NIA funding

The Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center received a grant for $15 million from the NIA. This exceptional funding will be used to support, enhance and expand innovative research by targeting causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

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The Indiana Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center is located within the Indiana University Health Neuroscience Center.


Laying the groundwork for Alzheimer’s disease precision medicine

Advanced Technology and Collaboration

Through the Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center and related research facilities and clinical care service centers, IU School of Medicine is working to end the suffering of this disease no matter how long it takes. The school's robust training programs and accomplished faculty are developing new researchers specifically trained to discover innovative approaches to improve understanding, diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

What is Alzheimer's?

Learn more about Alzheimer's research at IU School of Medicine

Funding Sources

The Indiana Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center is funded by the National Institutes of Health (P30 AG072976).

Part of a National Research Network

The IADRC is funded by the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health and is one of 33 Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers across the country.

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