The Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center is supported by the National Institute on Aging award, P30 AG072976 . We are committed to sharing resources with qualified individuals within the scientific community for research purposes. Internal and external researchers are encouraged to review the available resources at the research center and submit a Resource Request application. The Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center encourages applications to further treatment development and research in Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia.
The applicable Science Executive Committee reviews resource requests. Applicants will be notified of application receipt within three business days. Applications will be reviewed within 10 days for committee assignment and confirmation of all materials. Once an application is assigned for review, the process may take up to four weeks for a decision to be provided. The committee will not provide a written evaluation of proposals. A letter indicating the committee’s decision to support or not support the proposed request will be provided to the applicant, along with any special instructions and requirements that must be met before resources will be released.