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REC Scholar Program

The Indiana Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (IADRC) Research Education Component Core (REC) is seeking early-stage investigators planning to pursue competitive, extramurally funded research on Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias (ADRD) research. Early-stage faculty investigators eligible to submit grant applications who are investigating AD/ADRD topics are eligible for the REC Scholar Program. All levels of research are welcome including mechanistic, translational, cognitive aging, and computational neuroscience, novel interventions for patients, caregivers, and at-risk populations, and medical informatics and ADRD health service studies. Examples are not meant to be exclusive.

Each REC scholar is awarded $10,000 over one year to use toward research, conference attendance, and publication costs. The scholar is invited to participate in a grant writing workshop and offered assistance in preparing applications for R-series or K-series grants, and foundation grants are also encouraged (e.g., Alzheimer’s Association). REC scholars are mentored by a committee, comprised of the mentee’s primary mentor, REC faculty, and may include IADRC core faculty. The REC Scholar program will fund up to approximately three nominees.

Call for Applications

REC Scholar nominations are accepted from members of the IADRC Executive Committee or via self-nomination. Nominations are viewed upon receipt; eligible nominees are invited to submit their proposed research via an application. Application materials are reviewed by a committee for final selection.

Applications Materials

Upon receipt and review of nominations, eligible nominees are invited to submit an application  overview of their proposed research, briefly outlining the following:

  • Specific aims
  • Significance
  • Innovation
  • Approach
  • Relevance to Indiana ADRC mission

All are within the two-page limit, any literature cited may be appended. 



Please send the nomination to the director of administration, Sarah Van Heiden (, by 5 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 1. All applications will be due to Sarah Van Heiden by 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 12. Selections will be announced in January.


Each REC scholar will be awarded $10,000 to be used toward research, conference attendance and publication costs. In addition, the scholar will be invited to participate in a grant writing workshop and offered assistance for preparing applications for R-series or K-series grants. Major foundation grants are also encouraged (e.g., Alzheimer’s Association). Finally, the scholar would be mentored by a committee, comprising mentee’s primary mentor, REC faculty and broader IADRC faculty. The REC Scholar program will fund up to three nominees.

2024 REC scholars

Veronica Derricks, PhD
Salman Shahid, ME, PhD
Jenya Chumin, PhD
Drew Pickett, PhD

2023 rec scholars

Angelina Polsinelli, PhD
Miriam Rodriguez, PhD
Naazneen Khan, PhD
Sunu Mathew, MBBS

2022 REC Scholars

Kelly Nudelman, PhD
Adrian Oblak, PhD
Meichen Yu, PhD