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Inclusive Excellence

This initiative works to break down walls that prevent aspiring medical students, residents, fellows, faculty and staff from achieving their goals. Inclusive excellence helps provide colleagues with the tools to build a community of acceptance and respect.

Photo of two female residents conducting research.

Get Involved!

The Radiology and Imaging Sciences department isn't just a place for current faculty, staff, residents and fellows to thrive, but the perfect place for current medical students, prospective trainees and faculty to get involved and discover how they can make a difference. 

A female student wearing a hijab listens to a lecture.


From inspiring guest speakers and conversations on humility to cultural competence and social gatherings with comrades from all backgrounds  the department provides opportunities to stay engaged, informed and excited for change.

Two radiologists smiling while examining neuro scans.

Development and Education

The committee provides the department with resources and educational training opportunities so faculty, staff and trainees can strive to not only live in an equitable world, but help create an inclusive environment for their colleagues. 

55 current residents
140 radiology faculty
30 annual events
Two female students are smiling while writing on a whiteboard. One is wearing a hijab.

Trainee Recruitment and Outreach

Whether a medical student is searching for a residency program or a current trainee is uncovering new ways to reach their goals, the committee enables its future radiologists to break through current glass ceilings and transform the field of radiology.

A female radiologist examines a neuro scan.

Faculty Recruitment and Engagement

Current and prospective faculty members have the opportunity to collaborate with and inspire their colleagues through cultural competency training, diverse research and clinical opportunities, and empowering lectures.


Radiology Residencies at IU School of Medicine

A Mission and Promise

Since its establishment in 2018, the department's inclusivity committee has divided its efforts by establishing subcommittees: Trainee Recruitment and Outreach, Faculty Recruitment, Development and Education, and Communication. Through the support and guidance of each subcommittee, the department can aim to ensure the inclusion, acceptance and respect of all in its community by:

  • Embracing and celebrating commonalities and differences
  • Fostering awareness of cultural competence and unconscious bias
  • Nurturing empathy, humility and collaboration
  • Engaging, supporting and inspiring all members of the department


Committee Leadership

6874-Ladd, Lauren

Lauren M. Ladd, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology & Imaging Sciences

Women in Radiology, Leader

Read Bio

6633-Aaron, Vasantha

Vasantha D. Aaron, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology & Imaging Sciences

Women in Radiology, Leader

Read Bio

Words in Action 

Faculty, staff and trainees in the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences recognize that it's not just what a department says, but how those words are reflected in every department goal and action. From collaborating with colleagues and investigating new forms of technology to recruiting new residents from around the world — the department works to celebrate differences, foster cultural competence, nurture empathy and humility, and provide inspiration to everyone within the department.