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Resident Research

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology residents complete research projects as part of their educational experience throughout residency. First-year residents receive a stipend to begin their library of OB-GYN texts, and all third-year residents are expected to complete a formal research project of publishable quality. Residents present their research at the annual research day in June.

The research curriculum is led by a resident research mentoring team, including statistician Institutional Review Board (IRB) support and research assistants who guide residents beginning in the PGY1 year. Each resident has a faculty mentor who guides them in the design and analysis of their project.

The department also supports resident travel to postgraduate meetings and courses. Prizes are awarded for research excellence. Many past projects have led to presentations at national meetings, including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.


OB-GYN Resident Research

The department’s vice chair of research, David Haas, MD, meets with residents throughout the research process. Hear from him here.

PGY3 Resident Research Projects

Third-year residents present their research at the annual Hunter Lecture and Research Day each year. Presenting this research serves many purposes, including helping residents develop their presentation skills, practicing dissemination and refining their research for future publication. Many residents publish research articles from the data gathered for their project, while others gain national conference recognition and use the project as a launching pad for an academic career.

Read summaries of recent presentations

Resident publications, 2022–2023

Does acute funisitis predict worse neonatal outcomes among term newborns? Zemtsov GE, Diaz N, Ryan E, Chao A, Avram CM, Grace MR, Dotters-Katz SK. 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.07.057

Safety and feasibility of same-day discharge following minimally invasive hysterectomy in the morbidly obese patient population. Haight P.J.; Barrington D.A.; Graves S.M.; Piver R.N.; Baek J.; Ardizzone M.; Akinduro J.A.; Busho A.C.; Fadoju D.; Pandit R.; Stephens R.; Strowder L.M.; Tadepalli S.; VanNoy B.; Sriram B.; McLaughlin E.M.; Lightfoot M.D.S.; Bixel K.L.; Cohn D.E.; Cosgrove C.M.; O'Malley D.; Salani R.; Nagel C.I.; Backes F.J. 10.1016/j.ygyno.2023.01.013

Patterns of Postpartum Primary Care Follow-up and Diabetes-Related Care After Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes. D'Amico R.; Dalmacy D.; Akinduro J.A.; Hyer M.; Thung S.; Mao S.; Fareed N.; Bose-Brill S. 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.54765

Growth Anthropometrics as a Metric of Malnutrition Disparities Among Young Children Affected by HIV who are Orphaned Maternally, Paternally, or Totally in Western Kenya. Jansen S; Apondi E; Ayaya SO; Kim J; McHenry MS. 10.1177/2333794X231156045

Assessment of the feasibility of same-day discharge following minimally invasive hysterectomy in the elderly population. Haight P.J.; Piver R.N.; Barrington D.A.; Baek J.; Graves S.M.; Ardizzone M.; Akinduro J.A.; Busho A.C.; Fadoju D.; Pandit R.; Stephens R.; Strowder L.M.; Tadepalli S.; VanNoy B.; Sriram B.; McLaughlin E.M.; DS Lightfoot M.; Chambers L.M.; Bixel K.L.; Cohn D.E.; Cosgrove C.M.; O'Malley D.; Salani R.; Backes F.J.; I Nagel C. 10.1016/j.gore.2023.101227

Fast-progressing Kienbock's: A review of the literature with a case report. Frischmann L.; Klinefelter R.; Balch Samora J. 10.1097/BCO.0000000000001114

Creating a Women’s Health Coalition at a Student-Run Free Clinic: A Model for Increasing Access and Quality of Care. Brown, L., Gensel, A., Steele, E., Aksu, E., McCarty, S., Baugh, K., Owens, J., Barber, M., & Chimhanda, M.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Postpartum Depression and the Responsibility of the Healthcare System. DiGregory S, Githere N, Crites K, Rouse C, Shanks A. 10.7759/cureus.27805

Clinical significance of intermittent absent end-diastolic flow of the umbilical artery in fetal growth restriction. Green S, Schmidt A, Gonzalez A, Bhamidipalli SS, Rouse C, Shanks A. 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2022.100800

Accuracy of fetal middle cerebral artery Doppler ultrasound for moderate to severe fetal anemia prior to 24 weeks gestation. Miller K, Green S, Schiefer A, Tuuli MG, Shanks A. 10.1038/s41372-022-01444-z

Resident conference presentations, 2022–2023

IU School of Medicine Correctional Medicine Student Outreach Project. Nunge, Rebecca A; Gates, Kayla L; Fazle, Trilliah; Garcia, Jennifer; Messmore, Nicole M; Agarwal, Neeta.

Emergent Intervention of a Non-Communicating Rudimentary Uterine Horn Pregnancy. Friel, Rylee; Evelyn, Crowley; Ali, Yasmin; Bell, Libby; Tian, Wendy; Scott, Nicole.

Adequacy of glycemic control in early pregnancy with type 2 diabetes and perinatal outcomes. Izewski, J; Crites, K; Tang, R ; Campbell, M ; Pelton, S ; Saiko-Blair, M; Scifres, C. 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.11.297

Maternal weight gain among individuals with type 2 diabetes and associated perinatal outcomes. Izewski, J ; Crites, K; Tang, R; Saiko-Blair, M; Campbell, M; Pelton, S ; Scifres, C. 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.11.1117

Association between ACEs and Postoperative Pain after Gynecologic Surgery - F-18. LaPorte A; Gnade, C; Owusu, R; Patanwala, I. 10.1097/01.AOG.0000929948.52981.81

Analysis of Factors Contributing to Antenatal Corticosteroid Administration in Threatened Preterm Labor. Haas, D; Gidia, N; Ibrahim, S; McKinzie, A

Reusable 3D printed model for prenatal ultrasound-guided needle procedures. Pape, KJ; Wilson, A; Cronin, N; Ellis, N; Parmenter, J; Rouse, CE; Shanks, AL