Personalized Medicine

Indiana Institute for Personalized Medicine

Bridging the gap between genomics research and patient care

The Indiana Institute for Personalized Medicine at IU School of Medicine explores how genetic information and environmental exposure affect a person’s individual risk of developing certain diseases and their response to certain medications.

The Indiana Institute for Personalized Medicine is focused on improving the practice of medicine by advancing the personalization of therapy for a wide range of conditions—that is, finding the best drug for each patient. Scientists at the Institute for Personalized Medicine apply cutting-edge clinical, laboratory and informatics expertise to better understand why medicines work for individual patients, design new means of targeting therapies, and encourage the development of new therapies that benefit patients of all ages, genders and ethnicities.

Leading Advancements in Precision Health

Explore IU School of Medicine’s full spectrum of work and training opportunities to advance personalized medicine research and treatment.

Founded on a Legacy of Excellence

The Indiana Institute for Personalized Medicine at IU School of Medicine was founded in 2010 by David A. Flockhart, MD, PhD, an internationally renowned pioneer and leader in the field of pharmacogenetics. Indiana Institute for Personalized Medicine was one of the nation’s first such institutes focused on tailoring treatments for individual patients.

Flockhart passed away in 2015. He had been diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme, an advanced type of brain cancer. Ever the teacher, Flockhart shared his personal experience with the disease through radio interviews, public forums and other avenues, addressing important issues such as access to care and inefficiencies in the health care system that place an undue burden on patients. During an interview, when asked what he wanted to achieve through the Indiana Institute for Personalized Medicine, Flockhart responded: “We want to change the world, and medicine in particular.” 

Institute Leadership


At IU School of Medicine, investigators at the Indiana Institute for Personalized Medicine are advancing the science of precision medicine to eliminate unnecessary treatments, reduce the incidence of adverse reactions, increase drug efficacy and ultimately improve patient outcomes.


Scientists at the Institute for Personalized Medicine come from many different fields of medicine to better understand how to advance diagnoses and treatment in individual patients.