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PREGMED Fellowship

The Indiana University Center for Pharmacogenetics and Therapeutics Research in Maternal and Child Health includes a one year, full-time research fellowship as part of the PREGMED program. Fellows in this program spend the majority of their time working on up to three research projects, some of which are ongoing and some of the fellow’s design.


Research training through courses in the clinical investigator and translational education (CITE) program, including “Clinical Research Methods,” “Clinical Trials” and “Research Communication” are taken during the year. Fellows are also expected to complete at least one publishable manuscript at the end of the fellowship. Under special circumstances, the fellowship can be extended for an additional year. Mentorship is provided throughout the year and weekly meetings with program director David Haas, MD are required.

How to Apply

For more information about the research fellowships, including how to apply, contact program director David Haas, MD.