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<p>At Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine, we value the incredible work each and every one of our faculty does to further our mission. One such person we would like to recognize is Frances M. Russell, former Emergency Medicine Clinical Ultrasound Division Chief and Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship director. Today, we’d like to [&hellip;]</p>

Thank You Frances M. Russell, MD: Clinical Ultrasound Division Chief, Mentor, Leader


At Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine, we value the incredible work each and every one of our faculty does to further our mission. One such person we would like to recognize is Frances M. Russell, former Emergency Medicine Clinical Ultrasound Division Chief and Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship director. Today, we’d like to formally thank Frances for her contributions that have impacted so many of us since she joined the department in 2013. As Emergency Medicine POCUS Division Chief Rob Ferre, MD, notes,

“Under the direction of Paul M. Wallach, MD, [Frances] was instrumental in the recent creation of the POCUS curriculum for IU School of Medicine and…in the implementation that has occurred this year…Having transitioned leadership responsibilities for the division and fellowship, Frances is now focusing on her research and the continued POCUS curriculum implementation for the IU School of Medicine.”

Keep reading below to learn more about the long-lasting impact Frances had as division chief, mentor, and leader.

“In the past 5 years, Frances has led point of care ultrasound in the department from a couple of people, to a full-fledged division with over 8 fellowship trained faculty, overseen an unprecedented program to train practicing attending physicians to become competent in performing POCUS and orchestrated/published cutting edge research in lung ultrasound. More important than all of that, she’s created a culture of kindness, collegiality and comradery that permeates everything we do in POCUS.”

Rob Ferre, MD, Chief, Division of POCUS, Emergency Medicine

“In addition to being an amazing mentor for the US faculty.  She has always given us opportunities to speak at national conferences, assisted us in developing and implementing research projects, and helped us to shape our early careers as ultrasound faculty….in addition to being an excellent person and colleague.”

Audrey G. Herbert, MD, Assistant Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine

“I think from a research stand point [Frances] has been a great resource and sounding board for me. She’s really passionate about advancing evidenced based point of care ultrasound utilization in the clinical setting at IU. I think her superior research acumen is another area to highlight.”

Benjamin K. Nti, MD, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

“Under Frances’ leadership, the ultrasound division grew its fellowship program and expanded research, and her tireless efforts were the key driving force in making this program what it is today. Today our division is robust, providing POCUS training throughout IUH & IUSM. As division head, Frances was instrumental in bringing our division to its present level of excellence.”

Loren K. Rood, MD, RDMS, Assistant Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine

“Frances has taken a good program and brought it up to the IUEM standard. Her dedication to education, research, and clinical applications has allowed the program to grow in size, obtain international scholarly recognition, and train the next generation of emergency physicians in emergency ultrasound. I cannot thank her enough for her support and diligence.”

Matt A. Rutz, MD, Co-Fellowship Director, Clinical Ultrasound, Emergency Medicine

“When I started in 2014, there were only two members of the division. We now have graduated multiple fellows and are comprised of 8 full time faculty. Another point I think important to highlight is the faculty credentialing which was initiated under Frances—[we are currently at 80% of faculty that have now met basic credentialing criteria]. All impressive achievements for the division, and a reflection of the leadership of Frances.”

Gregory S. Zahn, MD, Assistant Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine


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Emmy Schram

Emmy Schram is the Communications Coordinator for the Department of Emergency Medicine. She earned her MA in English from Ball State where she taught English Composition while working as a freelance graphic/web designer. She brings with her varied professional experiences which she uses to support departmental communications efforts while finding new ways to combine her passions for marketing and education.
The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.