<p>This week on <em>Sound Medicine</em>, the show replays November’s Spirit and Place panel discussion, &#8220;From Gross Anatomy to Compassionate Care,&#8221; featuring Indiana University Northwest anatomy Professor Ernie Talarico, Ph.D.</p>
Indianapolis Campus

Body Donors and Medical Education, This Week on Sound Medicine

Dec 28, 2011

Sound Medicine airs at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 1, on WFYI, 90.1 FM. For the airtime on a public radio station near you, check the Sound Medicine website

A thorough comprehension of human anatomy is one of the most important lessons of medical school, and it relies on people deciding to donate their bodies upon death to medical education. That generous gift and the lesson it teaches tomorrow’s doctors will be explored on this week’s Sound Medicine program, “From Gross Anatomy to Compassionate Care.”

At the Indiana University School of Medicine–Northwest in Gary, Ind., gross anatomy Professor Ernest Talarico, Ph.D., has introduced a whole new approach to anatomy class, which has brought the students closer to the families of those who have donated their bodies to medical education.

That change has transformed the way those future doctors are taught compassion and respect.

Talarico, assistant professor of anatomy and cell biology and associate director of education, is joined by Kathryn J. Jones, Ph.D., professor and chair of the IU Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Margaret Gaffney, M.D., clinical associate professor of medicine at the IU School of Medicine and a member of the IU Center for Bioethics; Lucas Buchler, a third-year IU medical student; and Rita Borelli, the wife of a donor. Barbara Lewis, the host of Sound Medicine, moderates.

Their discussion was part of the Indianapolis Spirit and Place Festival in November and was presented by IU Center for BioethicsIU School of Medicine at  IUPUIIU School of Medicine-NorthwestSound Medicine; and WFYI (90.1 FM) in Indianapolis.

Sound Medicine is an award-winning radio program co-produced by the Indiana University School of Medicine and WFYI Public Radio (90.1 FM). Sound Medicine is underwritten by Indiana University Health Physicians and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

Listen to Sound Medicine on the following Indiana public radio stations:
WBSB (Anderson), WFIU (Bloomington, Columbus, Kokomo, Terre Haute), WNDY (Crawfordsville), WVPE (Elkhart/South Bend), WNIN (Evansville), WBOI (Fort Wayne), WFCI (Franklin), WBSH (Hagerstown/New Castle), WFYI (Indianapolis), WBSW (Marion), WBST (Muncie), WBSJ (Portland), WLPR (Lake County) and WBAA (West Lafayette).

The show also airs on these out-of-state public radio stations:
WLRH (Huntsville, Ala.), KSKA, (Anchorage, Alaska), KOTZ (Kotzebue, Alaska), KTNA-FM (Talkeetna, Alaska), KUHB-FM (Pribilof Islands, Alaska), KUAF-FM (Fayetteville and Fort Smith, Ark.), KRCC (Colorado Springs, Colo.), KIDE-FM (Hoopa Valley, Calif.), KEDM (Monroe, La.), WCNY and WRVO (Syracuse, N.Y.), WYSO (Yellow Springs, Ohio), WYSU (Youngstown, Ohio), KMHA (Four Bears, N.D.), KFTW (Fort Worth, Tex.), KEOS (College Station, Tex.) and KBPX-FM (Spokane, Wash.)

Media Contact

IU School of Medicine

Rory Appleton